Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Website For My Book

Due to unprecedented requests from people wanting to know where they can buy the book,Losing The Faith, I have set up a website exclusively for the book. Check it out at There is a link for anyone wishing to buy it of the net.

Some parts of the site are still in the developmental stages, with improvements added as I go along.I plan to have a few book launches around the country so watch this space for updates.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Food For Thought

The Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles would pay a massive $660 million settlement to more than 500 sexual abuse victims.The deal which covers cases dating back to the 1940's will be the largest settlement by any Roman Catholic archdiocese to sex abuse victims in the US.Partof the settlement is the release of internal documents which could raise questions over theleadership of Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony.Mahony has been accused of covering up evidence of child molestation by transfering priests to other churches and trying to keep the abuse reports secret.
At least, in this case documents will be made available and some sort of apology was given.However,in the Watchtower's abuse settlements victims were made to sign gag orders that prevent them from speaking out.Brooklyn is still trying to hide damning evidence from the rank and fileJehovah's Witnesses.
No more is my money going into a contribution box at a Kingdom Hall.Jehovah's Witnesses do not realise that their contributions to the Society have helped silence victims of child sexual abuse.

Food For Thought!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Book Release


CK 2007/059848/23





First Edition

A5 (Paperback)

104 pages

Perfect Bound

Category: Non-Fiction

About the book:

Losing The Faith is the chronicle of a man’s journey through a religious organisation that demands exclusive and unquestioning devotion of its followers. It explores the author’s journey from childhood into adulthood together with the doubts and conflicting teachings of the organisation known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. These doubts and concerns eventually led him to investigate some of the teachings to ascertain if it is “The Truth”. The discoveries and cover-ups are recorded in this book and reveal the darkness and anguish felt by the author while uncovering the deception of an organisation that claims to be the sole channel of communication between God and men.

A brilliant and powerful read.

ISBN 978-0-620-388-09-2

Book available internationally at

For South African distribution contact Jacko Consulting.


Friday, May 11, 2007


This is huge.However,it is also sad that the victims are not allowed to speak out.Once again the Watchtower covers its tracks.

Press Release
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Settled
Largest Deal Ever in Denomination’s History Includes Controversial Gag Order
One of the Predators is A Fugitive & Was Profiled on “America’s Most Wanted”

Nation-wide Support Group Blasts Secrecy & Wants To Help Others Who Are Wounded

At a sidewalk news conference, clergy sex abuse victims will disclose and discuss a child molestation settlement (allegedly in the millions of dollars and the largest-ever) against the Jehovah's Witnesses. All but two of the 16 victims are Californians. One of the predators, a San Diego native, was on ‘America’s Most Wanted.’

They’ll also discuss a nationwide outreach effort to find and help more men and women who have been sexually abused by Jehovah's Witness officials.

WHEN: Thursday, May 10, 10:00 a.m.

Outside the __ County Courthouse, ADDRESS (corner of __), in San Diego (BILL-PLS GET TH IS FROM OUR SAN DIEGO LEADER PAUL OR MARY GRANT 626 419 2930)WHO:
Several clergy molestation victims including a Long Beach woman who is the long time western regional director of a nationwide support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests,

DETAILS:Over a five day period in February, 16 civil child sex abuse lawsuits against Watchtower (the Jehovah’s Witness headquarters in New York City) were quietly settled in three states (CA, TX and OR). The victims involved were essentially coerced into signing ‘gag orders’ that prevent them from discussing the cases.

Attorneys for the victims are Greg Love and Kimberly Norris of Ft. Worth Texas (817 560 5600).

Six years ago media was first alerted that Jehovah’s Witnesses have a policy that endangers children. Since that first report in which William H. Bowen reported a fellow elder in Kentucky that was a confessed child molester and who remains a Jehovah’s Witness in good standing to this day, over 6,000 abuse survivors have come forward to say they too were molested and silenced by Jehovah’s Witness policy on child abuse.

Dateline, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, CBC, New York Times and over 30 countries have aired documentaries that identified child rapists who enjoy sanctuary in Jehovah’s Witness congregations. In 2007, fugitive Rick McLean (a San Diego native and long time resident) was featured on America’s Most Wanted and suspected of molesting over 30 children while protected as a Jehovah’s Witness.

In the last five years, more than 40 lawsuits against Watchtower (the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters/administrative arm in NYC) have been filed by members to seek justice for the way they were treated by church policy when they were molested as children. Attorney Jeff Anderson successful in over 600 lawsuits over abuse states, “When victims are forced to sign gag orders it is a continuation of the coerced code of silence from church hierarchy. Jehovah’s Witnesses silenced molested kids before the elders and now they are doing it in the courts.

After a five year court battle Watchtower is finally admitting they have hurt children. Material will be provided to assist Nashville Jehovah’s Witness sexual abuse survivors at the press conference.
Rick McLean info,

Contact: William H. Bowen of Paducah KY, founder of 270-527-5350 cell, 270-703-2257
Mary Grant of Long Beach CA, SNAP western regional director 626-419-2930 cell
David Clohessy of St. Louis, SNAP national director 314-566-9790 cell

Statement by Bill Bowen of Paducah Kentucky, founder of, a support group for those molested by Jehovah’s Witnesses. . .270-703-2257

Sex abuse survivors through litigation have forced Jehovah’s Witnesses to admit their policy on child abuse is not working. Watchtower policy has silenced thousands of victims and continues to strangle their ability to cry for justice and healing.

One month ago, we were informed about settlements in some of the more than forty recent civil sex abuse lawsuits against the Jehovah's Witnesses. We learned that 16 victims were paid the largest settlement in history of Jehovah’s Witnesses but forced to sign a gag order that forbids them from speaking about their abuse. We find this bittersweet. On one hand, we're glad a few victims are finally getting some financial help. On the other hand, we're sad and worried because they've essentially been forced to give up their right to protect others by speaking out about their abuse to the public.

In 2002, US Catholic bishops publicly promised that the church would never ask for gag orders when compensating abuse survivors. Five years later, Jehovah’s Witnesses do just the reverse. They keep putting innocent kids and unsuspecting families at risk of horrible crimes because they value their secrecy and reputations more than they value children's safety. Jehovah’s Witness kids that experience abuse need to have freedom to speak. It is time to step up and do the right thing instead of protecting the reputation of the church.

Watchtower's secrecy and recklessness gives dangerous men like Rick McLean continued access to youngsters. McLean was recently featured on America's Most Wanted as one of the 15 most wanted fugitives in this country. Four of his victims were part of the sixteen lawsuits recently settled and silenced by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Because Watchtower officials never reported McLean and his crimes to law enforcement, he remains on the run and in fact might be molesting kids right now. Watchtower has a long-standing and ridiculous policy of not reporting molesters to police, requiring two eye witnesses before an abused child is believed and insisting that untrained individuals do internal investigations. This keeps kids vulnerable and predators free.

Watchtower has attacked and ousted members of conscience who have spoken out on to protect kids. They have protected child molesters by maintaining a secret database of more that 25,000 molesters that they do not shared with law enforcement. Finally, when a few victims find the courage and strength to speak up, get help, warn others, and seek justice in court, church officials silence them with hurtful gag orders.

Why did they settle? Last fall, a California court ruling would have required Watchtower to open their pedophile database. To prevent this information from becoming public, church officials chose to settle these 16 cases. They do not want anyone to know how much damaging information the database contains.

This is an international problem that needs to be addressed by one of the wealthiest religious groups in the world. At, we want victims to know that, now more than ever, they can speak out, get help, expose molesters and protect others. Now more than ever, the legal climate has changed and is changing, so they have a better chance to get justice in court and deter others from hiding sex crimes.

We are announcing a worldwide campaign to reach Jehovah’s Witness sex abuse victims. We are asking that this downloadable “Service Bulletin” be placed in every Kingdom Hall (JW CHURCH) around the world and delivered to any Jehovah’s Witness that you may come in contact with. By doing so you can help victims find healing and protect children.

Texas Potter Cnty (1 victim) #91048C Oregon, Marion Cnty (1 victim) #06C15281
Settled 02/15/07 Settled 02/14/07

California, Napa Cnty (2 victims) #2622191 California, Napa (1 victim) #2623929
Settled )2/13/07 Settled 02/13/07

California, Placer Cnty (1 victim) #SCV16600 California, Yolo (3 victims) #CV031430
Settled 02/13/07 Settled 03/02/07

California, San Diego (4 victims) #GIE034558 California, Tehama (1victim) #52594
Settled 02/26/07 Rick McLean’s victims Settled 02/13/07

California, Tehama (2 victims) #52598
Settled 02/13/07

Sixteen victims of mishandled sexual abuse cases all settled within two weeks by Watchtower with gag orders that prevent abuse survivors from speaking out.

Service Bulletin
(Please post on information board)

For all Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide

Has your child been physically or sexually abused?

Silentlambs is happy to announce that through the efforts of our organization precedents have been established in the courts to force Watchtower to provide verification of their international policy of silencing victims and covering up child abuse. In 2007 Jehovah’s Witnesses chose to settle with sixteen victims of their policies on child abuse instead of facing a jury with the evidence against them. For any Jehovah’s Witness victim in the area there is hope that you can have justice. We strongly encourage you to contact silentlambs to establish if Watchtower can no longer escape justice in your case as well as for the thousands of kids that they have harmed by their policies on dealing with abuse.

Seek assistance from those who care,
or call


It's time to protect children it’s time to stop being a silent lamb

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The End Of The World

For centuries man has been pre-occupied with predicting the end of the world.Throughout history their have been so-called visionaries and prophets that have claimed to have been given divine authority to predict the end.Calculating precisely when the world will end has preoccupied a long line of forecasters.From Sibyl who predicted the return of Nero as the antichrist in 195,to William Miller who in the nineteenth century predicted the end to come in 1843. The list of projected ends generated by these doomsdayers is impressive.Amongst them the dates 195,500,948,1000,1260,1420,1588,1666,1763,1785,1819,1843,1866,1903,1914 and 1975 rank tops. These dates have been fervently anticipated and then bitterly mourned.

The Jehovah's Witnesses is one sect that has preached and has been most obsessed with end time prophecy.The Witnesses original mathematical groundwork was laid down by Charles Taze Russell. Russell originally predicted the end to come in 1914 according to his mystical and mathematical calculations of Daniels prophecy. He died in 1916 a disappointed and dejected man.

For centuries now we have been living at the end of the world.

Monday, May 7, 2007

We're All Mad

Just thought I would share the lyrics to a song that inspires me at the moment. To me it describes how diverse mankind is,different colours and shades which in effect paints the grey away in this world.Furthermore,each of us can add meaning to our own and everyone elses lives and leave a legacy for our children to cherish.

The song is by Natasha Bedingfield and it is called " We're All Mad".

I think the lady did protest too much
She would'nt take the flower from my hand
She only saw the shadow of my circumstance
Perception can't describe what makes a man

I did'nt mean to interrupt your stride
but a rose was all I had to give
Sometimes beauty isn't recognised
When it contrasts with what you feel inside

Who's to say that darkened clouds
must lead to rain?
Who's to say that problems
should just go away?
Who's to point a finger
at what's not understood?

We're all mad in our own way
Colours paint the grey away
Different people all the same
each reveals a meaning
We're all mad in our own way
Fill the sky with different shades
read the story on each page
Each reveals the meaning

Sometimes I think I over analyse
As if I can control the time and place
Life isn't something you try on for size
You can't love without the give and take

Who's to say that darkened clouds must lead to rain?
Who's to say that problems should just go away?
Who's to point a finger at what's not understood?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Losing The Faith

OK. This is where I go and explain the reason for the title of my blog. Losing The Faith - Truth under scrutiny is the title of my upcoming book. It is the story of my journey through the organisation known as The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. A sect that commands total control over its followers and claims that it alone is the channel of communication between God and men.Growing up in the religion I was not allowed to celebrate Christmas,Easter,birthdays etc. Those people that come knocking on your door on a Sunday morning peddling magazines together with a Bible message,well, I was one of them. Yes you guessed right. You know them as Jehovah's Witnesses.

There were quite a few of the teachings that used to bother me.This caused me great mental anguish to the point that I eventually decided to do my own research into the organisation.What I uncovered dealt a devastating blow to my faith in the organisation.I could not see myself supporting and belonging to a cult that breaks up families and causes countless deaths of its followers because of its blood transfusion policy. The cover ups,doctrinal flip-flops and outright lies endorsed by the Watchtower are to numerous to mention. My gripe is with the leaders of the organisation who enforce teachings on its followers that have no sound scriptural backing.

Millions worldwide are being held captive to a concept.A concept that can be very dangerous to individuals and families.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Go Sharks

The Sharks rugby team are in action against their old rivals today.It should be a cracker of a game.The Sharks are playing for a home semi-final spot but the Stormers are not going to make it easy for them.The way the sharks have played their rugby during this seasons Super 14 campaign,they should give the stormers the hiding of their lives.However,the Stormers are on a roll after downing the Reds and the Blues in recent weeks so their could be a storm brewing in Cape Town today.
Both Percy and Bobby should relish in the moment of playing against their former club.Percy,please blow dry your hair in Durban before going down to the Cape.

Go Sharks

Friday, May 4, 2007

Hi Everyone

Hello Friends.

Welcome to my site.It has been set up to share my life experiences and journey from childhood and growing up in a organisation that has total control over its followers.An organisation that claims to be the " sole channel of communication between God and men" . It will chronicle my journey through the organisation,my examination of the teachings and my subsequent emotional turmoil I experienced in finding out the truth about "THE TRUTH". This chapter in my life is on the verge of being published in book form so watch this space.

On a different note I will also share my experiences while working in big corporate companies and eventual decision to start my own business. I will share my interests in music, sport and what inspires me in life.Hope you will stick around and enjoy the ride with me.

As they say "Life's a journey,enjoy the ride".So sit back grab a cuppa and lets talk.
