Sunday, March 1, 2009

E-mail campaign.

The recent decision by the Johannesburg High Court in South Africa to grant the 15 year old daughter of Jehovah’s Witness parents a life saving blood transfusion after they objected has sparked a major debate. The issue has been featured on SABC news and also discussed on SAFM Radio’s After Eight Debate.

No doubt this is nothing new as the blood issue constantly puts the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the spotlight because of their refusal to accept this life-saving medical procedure. This has been the third time in an 18 month period that the courts have stepped in here in South Africa to save children’s lives. It certainly seems that the arguments put forward by the Jehovah’s Witnesses to defend their dogma, do not hold much weight anymore.

It is with this story in mind that a group of former JWs here in South Africa we have decided that this issue should be the focus of a television expose over here. We have singled out a current affairs program called 3rd Degree which deals with stories like this. We feel that it is time that the blood issue, together with the paedophile cover-ups, should be brought to the fore.

In that regard we have decided to bombard the producers of the show with an e-mail campaign which we hope will get them to do an expose. That is why we would like you to send a little e-mail to the producers as well just to give the campaign a bit more clout. I know of paedophiles over here that are in good standing and continue to go door to door with free access to kids in the congregations.

The e-mail should be sent to Your contribution to this campaign will be highly appreciated.